We at CCA believe that a child learns through play, investigation and being inspired by their environment and the world around them. Because of this philosophy of child learning, CCA has chosen to integrate the Reggio Emilia-inspired approach with the Research-Based Creative Curriculum.
Reggio Emilia
The Reggio Emilia approach was developed in Italy after WWII by psychologist Loris Malaguzzi. It focuses primarily on preschool and the primary education of children. Malaguzzi believed that children learned by using their “symbolic languages” such as painting, sculpting, drama, and other hands-on activities for engaged and pro-active learning. This philosophy of learning encourages the children and teachers to use their environment, promoting social and cognitive development through a project-based approach. We believe that through this program, your children will find themselves in an enriching environment which encourages principles of respect, responsibility, and community.
Research-Based Creative Curriculum
We at CCA have chosen a Research-Based Creative Curriculum to use alongside Reggio Emilia in order to be both project-based and to tailor towards the unique interests of the children. This curriculum permits the teacher to observe and document the children’s interactions with their environment thus nurturing their continued learning and growth.